Feminism. 2025.
The new world is going to be bad for those of us who are female. Own it. Face it. Do not fear it. Georgia O’Keefe said, “I’ve been absolutely terrified every day of my life and I’ve never let it keep me from doing a single thing that I wanted to do.” Didn’t really love her paintings, but I’m putting this on my refrigerator.
Let us not latibulate. (Who knew this was a word! Don’t you love it.) Let’s look at it square in the eye, and deal with it. Ready, set, go.
The Taliban sent congratulations to the Trump team on their win, and commented on the fact that the “US of fabulous A” was finally understanding that women belong at home. (You remember Afghanistan; Trump cut the worst deal ever, and we left women to be set back a hundred years. Now, they are not allowed to speak. And we—the people, women carrying the torch of feminism—did… well, we did nothing.)
In playgrounds the days following the election, boys were taunting girls, saying, “Your body, my choice.” Did mothers go to every school in America to ask what the penalty would be for boys doing that? To make sure they saw we were not going to allow it? Shouldn’t we mothers start running for the school boards? Isn’t that where the decisions will be made now? The laws will not do their job anymore, at least in the red states.
Abortion. Abortion. Abortion. Need I say more?
Fifty-two percent of women voted for Trump against their own interests, and there is evidence that they don’t even know it. Why? Ask, without rage, someone you know why they did. Listen, and then let me know so we can figure it out. I am clueless and not interested in the polls. They were and are wrong.
Okay, you get the picture. Don’t stick your head in the oven. Not allowed.
So, now we consider this:
Women have money. Some women have a lot of money. “Keep my friend Melinda Gates safe from harm.” Go outside, face west, say it three times while turning in a circle, and then spit. I’m not kidding. Why are you still sitting here? But it’s not just her. Lots of women have money. Money gets things done. We just have to be smarter about where we spend it.
More women than ever before are going to be governors—thirteen, to be exact. And while that is only 26%, it’s more than ever before. Governors are more important than ever because our future is now in the states' hands, in many cases. Find out who the women governors are, start following them, and if they ask you for something, do it.
There are a lot of women who are really pissed. I was pissed before, so I don’t count. But new women are showing up in increasing numbers. And, thank God, their answer is not to put on pink knitted hats (can we all agree that was a mistake?) and march to nowhere—they are getting more creative about how to fight these battles.
Watch this amazing speech from Emma Watson, whom I adore. Adore, I tell you. Read about… her work at the United Nations here.
If you want to ponder something over the next few weeks. Ponder the new need for feminism now, rather than what awful thing is going to befall us from DC. Think about how you can expand your knowledge about women and what we need to do to protect ourselves. No one is coming to save us, and that’s just fine with me.
But redefine it. It’s the actions we take daily in our own best interests and those of our gender. It’s not rigid, angry complaining club of women who want to kill the men, or take away our femininity (if that is your thing). It’s a way of life. It’s protecting ourselves.
Then watch the video below. It wasn’t that long ago, and they have gotten better at subliminal messaging. We have to pay attention, and follow the money, and use our financial agency to say, “I’m not spending a dime on your product or service until you treat me as your equal, or better than your equal, which in many cases is closer to the truth.” Know the enemy, and I do not think it’s all men. But the MAGA people in DC? Trust me, they are not on team ‘her.’ Speak up when someone says something that shocks you. Firmly. In whatever voice is your own. Make them realize you see them as they are and what they think but don’t say clearly.
Ok, I know. I know. It’s a bit like the ice plunges I think are S&M, but we have to wake up. We are on this sisters. We can do this. One day at a time. Let’s marinate in it for awhile and find our way together.