by Christine Merser
There is still time to work on getting the vote out. The phone banks will be going all weekend. Click here if you would like to do some calls.
But if you are done—you have voted and are just not up to watching the news, which is only biding time until the vote tallies begin—you might want to watch the first season of Aaron Sorkin’s The Newsroom. It’s available on MAX, Hulu, and Prime.
I hadn’t watched it since it aired twelve years ago. It’s staggering how Sorkin foresaw so much of what we are now living. Staggering. But there is hope as well.
The video above is the opening of the series. It should have been our wake-up call all those years ago, but better late than never. We are all awake, and nothing that happens on Tuesday will change that.
One way or another, we are close to the finish line, and the closer we get, the more I’m awed by so many of my fellow Americans. Not activists by nature, but stepping up to the plate. The stories of daughters and fathers voting in sync. Women coming out in unprecedented numbers. Liz Cheney telling Trump to bring it on, without fear surrounded by his cowardice. And, and, and. Well, it makes me realize, deep down, that you and I are on the right side of history, and we will not stop until our children’s children can have the rights we have enjoyed without thinking about them all these years.
God bless America.